Tuesday 6 November 2012

Tutorial : DIY Turquoise Display Stage

 Hey everyone! How are you guys? Recently, I just joined a young entrepreneur's competition. It's held at Kid's Marketplace, Sri Hartamas Shopping Centre. Yes, kid. I'm still a kid at heart. *grins widely*
The age limit was 18, so I thought I should join for the experience and also, you get a free booth to sell stuff! What a great opportunity! 

Well, my booth had something special with it. A handmade turquoise stand. Here's a short tutorial for you :
Two cardboard pieces. What can I do with them?
Take a can of turquoise (or any colour you like) spray, and turn the cardboard pieces into pretty cardboard pieces!

Spray them all and fold them accordingly. (Mine was actually pre-folded)
Glue them into this shape with a hot glue gun by just connecting the ends.
Then glue the two shapes together to make this awesome turquoise stand which can now use at booths! Don't forget to put something hard, or stuff the spaces in between the cardboards with some newspaper! Else, it'd be a little flimsy.
 Practice set-up at home.
Tadaa! This was in Sri Hartamas the past Sunday! <3
The whole event went well and I earned quite a bit. I also met a fashion blogger who loves my items and decided to do a review on them! I'm so excited! Thank You Lord, for the opportunity.
I got a certificate after the event stating that I participated in "Kids Market Place" etc. Oh well, stay young while you can! Alright. That's all for now. Thanks for dropping by. Tata!

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