Friday, 20 April 2012

Leopard Make Up Box

Hello everyone! I'm here to show you a little customized order I've been working on! I loved how the whole thing turned out and I had a lot of fun experimenting on how to make it. I hope you enjoy the post!
 First of all, I took a plain box (it was dark blue) and sprayed it completely white. If my box stayed blue, it would be too dark to show my base colour which is yellowish brown. I painted the base and then mixed some colours to get light dirt brown. Random spots were painted on the box and left to dry.
 Plain brown spots and brown spots with black patches.
 I added a couple that is completely black. I think it looks pretty good.
 After painting the box, it's time to make the eyeshadow box! 
Shoutout : Thank you to the gentleman who helped me get my mirror out of the real eyeshadow box!
I couldn't find places nearby that sells that small of a mirror itself. I know craft shop sells them, but it's all further away and I wouldn't have time to go there and buy some, so I decided to drop by Daiso to get a real eyeshadow box just for the mirror. RM5 mirror. Since it was together with the actual eyeshadow box, I had to break some parts of the plastic box to get the mirror out. A really really nice gentleman helped me with that. Thank you!
 I decided to use the shades of red for the eyeshadow.
 To make it more realistic, I brushed on some real eyeshadow. Don't worry of it falling off though, a coat of varnish held it in place.
 The eyeshadow box was pretty much done. I decided to make a small brush and a pencil. In the picture above, I was trying to make the head of the pencil. I had a colour of 'fails' then. It isn't as easy as it looks. Many times, I had abnormal wave lines where the lead and the 'wooden' part meets.
 The 3 little objects made. It is to be placed on top of the box.
 The inside of the box. A small red purse sits on the bottom right corner.
And, the finished product :
 A simple box, all redecorated and dressed in a lovely ribbon. 
I hope you enjoyed reading this post of mine as much as I enjoyed writing it! Love you guys! Bye!


  1. Omg! Is leopard print!!! Love it! Do u make a bigger one? :)


    1. Thank you! I love how it turned out too! :D
      Bigger one? Around how big? If I have the box then can. haha! (:
