Sunday 16 December 2012

DIY Faux Iphone

 Hey everyone!! Look at what we have! It's an iphone! 
Okay, not really. But it's a FAKE iphone! All handmade with love.  

So, for this year(2012)'s Christmas Production - Ghosting in CHCKL, Frieda and I were in charged of making an iphone and an ipad. I made the iphone (with Frieda's guidance - she's the one who knows how to make everything. I mostly just followed.), and Frieda made the ipad (Sadly I do not have a photo of it. I shall take a photo of it when I see it and re-update this post).
 Many of you are wondering how it was made so real. Here's a little insight on what it's made of.
Frieda and I went shopping and bought a cork board from Daiso. This is to make the body of the iphone.
 We printed a picture of the iphone's front and back.
 I placed the cut out of the printing on the cork board, and a blade was used to cut the sides into a square first, then trim the sides where needed and then the corners.
 The top piece was taken off and the sides were done first. To stick it on, I used Faber Castell Art Gum.
 The top and bottom piece was then stuck on again!
 A silver piece of thin strap is stuck on the sides with cut out buttons where appropriate.
And tadaa!! That is about it. We added a little more touch ups after that, but it's basically just like this. Hope you enjoyed reading this post!

This prop was used in Ghosting, CHCKL.

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